Man & Robot Digitala

  • GH
  • 2-10 employees
Business Process Consulting
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About Man & Robot Digitala

We're a digital consultancy focused on SME empowerment and building digital transformation partnerships.

Average size of their clients:
Mid-market, Enterprise, Startups/SMBs
Ecosystems they work in:
HubSpot, ClickUp, Magento, Asana, Atlassian, Google, LinkedIn, Klaviyo, Adobe, Airtable, SEMrush, Wordpress, TikTok, Webflow, Shopify, Mailchimp
The technology they use:
B2B and IT, We sell direct to agencies only, eCommerce and consumer brands, Local retailers or professional services, Other or vertical agnostic
Here are their services:
Workflow automations, Website Design and Development, Videography, UX Design, Social Media Management or SMM, SMS Marketing, Research, PR, Operations, PPC, Lead Generation, Media planning & buying, Influencer Marketing, Compliance or security, Copywriting, Graphic Design, Email Marketing, Data Analytics, Business Process Consulting, CRO, Content Marketing, CRM Setup & Integration, API Integration Support, App or Software Development, ABM, SEO or SEM